Hacking Attraction Tao of Badass Style

The Tao of Badass is for all those men who can’t seem to find a lot of success in dating or even a little success in hacking attraction of women. The eBook was written by Joshua Pellicer, a well-known expert in the dating arena, who has used his own observations and research in psychology and body language to develop his own methods of attracting women. Pellicer reveals his techniques in The Tao of Badass for any guy looking to become more attractive to women.
Essentially, this eBook gives you surprisingly detailed insight as to what actually attracts women and provides you with an effective guide to using those things to your advantage. Pellicer reveals the things that guys assume are attracting women and exposes the mistakes they make as a result of those assumptions. You may believe that women are really attracted to powerful men with a big bank account. However, The Tao of Badass digs into what is actually making those men attractive to women, and it isn’t their power or money. According to Pellicer, those men all use the same methods to approach women and create a connection, and you can use those methods to increase your dating success too.

 What Can The Tao Of Badass Teach You?

For guys who really don’t understand women, it can seem impossible to sort through signals you just don’t understand. A lot of guys find it frustrating to actively pursue a woman, only to find out later that she was never worth the work to begin with. The Tao of Badass helps you develop a screening process for hacking attraction of women by truly understanding their body language, what it means about her opinion of you, and the best way for you to react.
By reading The Tao of Badass, you will also gain insight on connecting with women on an emotional level. For some men, the idea of connecting emotionally sounds like it involves uncomfortable behavior like crying at the beauty of a sunset, or something equally awkward. However, Pellicer again reveals discreet, yet incredibly specific methods to use to connect with a woman on this level.
From here, Pellicer describes the system women use to weed out the generic compliments and pickup lines they hear all the time and helps you use the emotional connection techniques to stand out in any group of men. In fact, the author maintains that his methods will actually allow you to sit back and let the women come to you.
The Tao of Badass discusses a multitude of various other dating topics, and Pellicer reveals valuable information on some complicated concepts like the true meaning of confidence and how you can use it and the three different types of communication that exist between men and women and how you can build the type of rapport you want. The eBook also reveals more tips and bits of insight that are incredibly simple and even more valuable, including the one thing men do that inevitably lands them in the friend zone, one quick and easy change that makes you more irresistible to the opposite sex, the best way to get a woman to buy your drink at a bar, and even how posture can impact the way women view you.

Feedback for The Tao Of Badass

Feedback for The Tao of Badass has been extremely positive, and men who have used it are reporting success beyond just their relationships with women. In fact, some readers have used Pellicer’s advice and strategies to build confidence and make changes at work, resulting in salary increases or positive changes to their career path.
Many individuals now using Pellicer’s strategies talk about the confusing information they had been given prior to reading The Tao of Badass and how it never really helped them approach women successfully. These men feel that Pellicer includes accurate, helpful tips in every section of his book, allowing you to start making positive changes and boosting confidence early on. They also feel that the information in the book is organized so well and written so simply, it is virtually impossible for readers to be confused about the process they need to take.
Other readers mention they appreciate how different The Tao of Badass is from books that promise the same things but only provide a list of bad pickup lines. Instead, they feel that Pellicer helped them make genuine changes that raised their confidence, made them more attractive to women, and allowed them to get women they never would have approached before.
Overall, anyone trying to gain a better understanding of women, dating, and relationships can gain something from The Tao of Badass. The book will provide you with an incredibly detailed guide, revealing tips and techniques on hacking attraction of women that are simple to use and create incredible results.
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